It has been way too long since my last post!! Since last May so much has happened. We had a wonderful summer. It was busy but wonderful to have the time and opportunity to spend with family and friends.
Tanner is now in 9th grade and will be 15 this month. He is working diligently to get his Eagle before he turns 15. As soon as his project is approved he will complete his project and be done

. He is playing jr. jazz this year. In school he is taking Chinese and has been really excited about that class. He found that he loves geography. He also does very well in biology and English. He is a social butterfly and calls everyone that says hi to him a friend. He is a good boy. He is so helpful around the house and a patient big brother. His favorite activity this summer was the week he spent at BYU for EFY. He said "It was the best week of my life!"

Spencer is now in 3rd grade. He has enjoyed school so much this year. He had to miss a couple of weeks the first month of school to get his tonsils out. He did well but then had problems with some post-operation bleeding and had to stay home an extra week. We were worried he would have to go back in for surgery again, but so thankful he did not. Spencer's favorite subject is now reading. He recently played the part of John Adams at school. He loves to read just like Tanner and his dad. Spencer loves books about the Titanic, tornadoes, volcanoes and glaciers. He also loves Star Wars Legos. Some how he has managed to become a BYU fan. I'm not sure how this happened since our entire family cheers for the team in red. But we still love him.

Tom is a director for Stevens Henager College. He has been working their since March and really likes his job. In his spare time he enjoys being with family and friends. He loves to read. He mostly reads history books and political books. He has a side business with his best friend Nathan, sourcing and producing projects for their clients.
As for me (Kim), I am no longer a Lope (Antelope, the GCU mascot) working for GCU. One day corporate flew in and decided to close the Utah office down. It happened fast. I was shocked, hurt and then a little angry. It is hard to find closure when you don't have the opportunity to say good-bye to so many people you saw every day. Now I am ok. I feel blessed that they are still providing me with a scholarship to complete my schooling. I will graduate in May. Then I will continue on and get my master's degree. Right now I am home. It has been an adjustment to go from a working mom to a stay

at home mom. For my own sanity I will need to get at least a part-time job. I thought by staying home I would get home work done and have all this free time. Well I still have daily house cleaning tasks, but there are always so many projects that need to be taken care of. It seems I was better at getting my home work done when I was busier. But I am thankful to be home during the holidays.
Jobs are scary right now. I lost my job, two weeks later my younger brother Matt lost his job. He was blessed and got a job right away plus a nice severance package. My brother-in-law just found out last Thursday that this coming Friday would be his last day. His company his going under. He has only been with that company for 2 months so he will not be getting a severance package. Please keep him and my sister in your prayers.